
Updated apartment plans for former Sumners pub site due for approval

Posted on - 26th April, 2023 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Deepdale, Fulwood, Housing, Preston Council, Preston News, Redevelopment
The Sumners was demolished last week Pic: Dave Tattersall
The Sumners during demolition Pic: Dave Tattersall

Updated plans to build 90 apartments at the former Sumners public house will be presented before the planning committee on Thursday 27 April.

A meeting will be held to discuss the proposal to create a residential development where the public house was formerly sited, fronting onto the junction of Sir Tom Finney Way and Watling Street Road.

The flats would be split between two blocks, block one would be four storey and contain 34 apartments, block two would be four to five storey and contain 56 apartments.

Read more: Former Sumners pub site sees new apartments plan lodged

The heavy machinery at work at the Sumners site Pic: Chris66092274
The heavy machinery at work at the Sumners site Pic: Chris66092274

The proposed car parking would provide 92 car parking spaces, which would include six disabled spaces and four Electric Vehicle spaces, and there would be seven areas for cycle parking across the site.

The proposal is subject to a Section 106 obligation being secured by Friday 5 May, to provide a review of the viability of the scheme.

In order for the application to be policy compliant, 27 affordable homes would need to be delivered alongside employment skills monitoring of £8,500, and a secondary school education contribution towards one place amounting to £23,061.75.

Although the applicant has indicated that the scheme cannot provide any affordable housing or financial contributions due to the viability of the scheme.

Read more: Plans for former Sumners pub site up for debate

An independent report from Preston City Council came to the conclusion that there would be a loss before any affordable housing or Section 106 costs are factored in.

In the consultation responses, Environmental Health raised no objections, subject to the following conditions: inclusion of recommended noise mitigation measures; Phase two site investigation and remediation and validation as required; electric vehicle charging points and submission of a Construction Environmental Management Plan.

On the other hand County Education have requested the financial contribution towards one secondary school place.

A total of eight objections were received from the public, the details of which can be summarised as follows:

Read more: Plans for new Fairham Gin Bar in Penwortham up for discussion

  • Cumulative impact on highway capacity and creation of additional noise and pollution;
  • Impact on highway safety;
  • Danger from construction activity;
  • Scale of development is not in keeping with the area;
  • The proposed access is owned by Deepdale Service Station and is required for
  • access to the parking area to the rear of the garage, and also to load and unload
  • transporters;
  • Insufficient level of parking proposed;
  • Development will negatively impact on neighbouring business;
  • Impact on neighbouring amenity due to scale of building and proposed balconies;
  • Impact on wildlife corridor adjacent to site; and
  • Scale of development proposed would negatively impact the conservation area and is at odds with other developments which have been refused.

A report adresses to Preston City Council said: “It is considered that the development, comprising of residential
development would be an appropriate addition within this residential area.

“The development would not result in the complete loss of the allocated Green Infrastructure, other than encroachment approved in previous applications.”

To view the full report visit the Preston City Council website.

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