A new mobile Covid-19 testing site has opened at Moor Park Avenue.
The site will open for the next few days and residents can call the NHS on 119 to book in for a test.
They can also find more information or book online here.
Read more: See how many people have received the Covid vaccine in each part of Preston and South Ribble
Preston City Council Leader, Councillor Matthew Brown said: “We are proud to be able to offer this site, just off Moor Park Avenue, as an additional location for covid testing in a convenient location for many of our residents.
“While both the vaccination roll-out and roadmap announced by Government offer hope for the coming months, it is important that we continue to stay home and follow the restrictions until they are lifted.
“It is also even more vital than ever that any of us that feels unwell, particularly with the now well-known symptoms, gets tested and self-isolates as necessary.
The latest covid stats in your area can be seen below
“The rates are going down, but Preston continues to have higher rates than those of our neighbours and many other areas in the country.
“We need the whole community in Preston to help lower the rate so that we don’t have any delays on the national lifting of restrictions.”
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