A community union to ‘take back power for ordinary people in Preston’ is launching this weekend.
The Association of Community Organisations for Reform Now (ACORN) are aiming to build a group in Preston which discusses issues that matter to them.
From being ripped off by ‘greedy landlords,’ to seeing ‘queues at food banks while bosses rake in profits’ the union plans to cover it all.
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The launch at Preston Community Hub, Samuel Street, on 11 May at 11am will look at an introduction to ACORN, community organising training and electing a committee to lead the group.
Recently they have won cheaper public transport in Liverpool, protected free school meal funding in Norwich, and protected fifty thousand households from Bailiffs in Manchester.
Every day they are also winning repairs, deposits and stopping evictions from landlords.
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People have already joined the union in Preston, reporting rats, silverfish and mould in their flats. A woman named Mary has also joined after a landlord refused to do repairs after her roof collapsed on her.
Everyone is welcome at the launch, even if they are not a member. For more information, you can visit the ACORN website.
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