
Six key plans making up Leyland’s £38m town deal scheme

Posted on - 14th January, 2023 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Business, Leyland, Politics, Preston News, Redevelopment, South Ribble News
What the market stalls could look like Pic: Wilson Mason LLP
What the market stalls could look like Pic: Wilson Mason LLP

Leyland Town Centre is to be modernised and regenerated with the help of £38m funding awarded from the Government and South Ribble Borough Council.

Six planning applications on the town deal outline how the proposed development would boost local economy by focusing on three key projects; BASE-2; market regeneration; and new public square and commercial and residential developments.

Read more: Leyland Town Deal’s ‘ambitious’ plans secure full £25 million

An overview of the proposed scheme Pic: Wilson Mason LLP
An overview of the proposed masterplan Pic: Wilson Mason LLP

Improvements to the market:

The design and access statement prepared by architects Wilson Mason LLP places emphasis on the value of the market and reveal plans for extended stalls with new shopfronts, a new entrance on Northcote Street and a restored roof to remove the modern overhangs to the roof to reflect its original form and improved lighting.

BASE2: Business Advice Skills Enteprise 2 – The business hub for skills, events and workspaces will be located in Market Square in a part three-storey building including a business incubator space for start-ups, which will also house a bookable co-working space.

Balfour Court: The two-storey office building will be converted and extended for mixed/leisure use with four ground floor commercial units and 14 apartments proposed over ground and first floor. The existing car park will remain with the new addition of EV points

Read more: The ‘Sheriff of Leyland’ still plodding the streets at 73

CGI image of Leyland Town Centre Pic: Mason Wilson LLP
CGI image of Leyland Town Centre Pic: Wilson Mason LLP

Quin Street: The housing developments will be situated on this street with apartments and plots on the thouroughfare to provide a landscaped route. Majority of the developments will be on the former Heatons Engineering site. There will be a two-storey block housing six one-bedroom apartments, 10 two-storey townhouses and six three-storey townhouses. Each townhouse will have a specific parking space and an EV charging point.

Commercial A:  This will be a mixed-use building with purpose-built retail & leisure units at ground floor. The first and second floors will house 13 apartments. There will be no car parking spaces allocated for residents, although bike storage spaces will be available.

Commercial B (Church Place): If plans are given the go ahead 51-55 Hough Lane and Sovereign House will be demolished, to form a ‘larger-scale’ restaurant/retail unit at ground floor and four apartments on the stepped-back upper floors. There will be a private courtyard at the back of the property.

The masterplan will also aim to improve street scene with the provision of planting, paving, street furniture and new public spaces.

Other areas set for upgrades include Thurston Street, the approach to Leyland railway station and Chapel Brow.

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