Preston and Lancashire residents aged 40 and over are now being invited to book a life-saving Covid-19 jab.
Nearly three-quarters of a million appointments were made on Monday and Tuesday as the NHS began inviting 44-year olds followed by people aged 42 and 43 by text.
Text messages are now going out to 40 and 41-year-olds allowing them to arrange a jab at the click of a button through the national booking service.
Those aged 42 to 44 have already been text this week meaning in total another 2.5 million more people have been invited for their jab.
Since the vaccination rollout began in December, more than 28 million people have been protected with at least one dose in England – nearly two-thirds of the adult population.
NHS staff have fully vaccinated more than 11 million people with second doses remaining a priority. It is vital everyone books in for their second jab to ensure they receive the maximum protection from coronavirus.
The NHS is vaccinating in line with guidance from the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation as supply allows. Those eligible will be able to book once they are invited to do so.
Covid-19 Vaccination Director for Lancashire and South Cumbria Jane Scattergood, said: “The rapid rollout of the NHS vaccination programme, the swiftest in Europe, is down to months of careful planning and sheer hard work by nurses, doctors and countless other staff supported by our incredible volunteers.
“If you receive a text inviting you for your jab, please follow the instructions provided and book – it is simple, effective and provides vital protection against the virus.”
When invited, people will be able to book in at a Vaccination Centre or pharmacy site through the national booking service.
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The NHS currently vaccinates using three vaccines, Pfizer, Moderna, and AstraZeneca, all of which have been approved as safe and effective by the world-leading medical regulator, the MHRA.
People who cannot go online can call the service on 119 instead to book their jab.
Text invitations appear as an alert from ‘NHSvaccine’, including a web link to the NHS website to reserve an appointment.
The latest vaccination information in your area can be seen below
Vaccinations are now being administered at more than 1,700 sites across the country, including mosques, museums and rugby grounds, meaning the vast majority of the people live within 10 miles of at least one vaccination service.
For more information on the Lancashire and South Cumbria Vaccination Programme visit here.
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