
Fishergate Bollard is back in its rightful place

Posted on - 11th September, 2017 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Preston City Centre, Preston News, Roads, Transport
The bollard restored to the plinth
The bollard restored to the plinth

The Fishergate Bollard made its return to Preston’s high street scene during the weekend.

Lancashire County Council has put the plinth back in place, along with the other branded bollards.

Part of the £3.4million shared space scheme the bollard has been absent since April.

It’s claimed numerous bumpers during its years at the end of Fishergate where it meets Corporation Street.

The branded bollards are also back leading to the station
The branded bollards are also back leading to the station

The bollard has inspired a Twitter account which takes the concrete pillar into the digital world.

Looking back down towards the end of Fishergate
Looking back down towards the end of Fishergate

The county council’s cabinet is meeting this week to decide whether to reintroduce the controversial bus lane into Fishergate.

What do you think about the return of the bollard? Let is know in the comments below

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