
Fishergate Bollard set for a comeback

Posted on - 9th September, 2017 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Preston City Centre, Preston News, Transport
Here lies bollard Pic: Ascencion
The branded bollard sent flying Pic: Ascencion

It’s not just the bus lane cameras which are set to make a return to Fishergate.

The city’s most famous plinth, and its concrete cousins, are being restored to Preston’s main shopping street.

Lancashire County Council’s highways team is preparing to put the Fishergate Bollard back.

The bollard, which has been regularly skittled by drivers, has been absent from the Corporation Street end of Church Street since the Spring.

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Now the county council says it is putting the bollards back into place with work due to begin from Monday (11 September).

Back in June it was revealed it costs the council £349 each time the bollard is sent tumbling from its base.

A familiar sight in Fishergate... Pic: Andrew Slade
A familiar sight in Fishergate… Pic: Andrew Slade

A number of drivers have hit the bollard with complaints saying it is not visible enough.

The bollard has spawned a popular spoof Twitter account with more than 2,000 followers signed up to see the pithy plinth’s comments.

It comes as the county council say the bus lane cameras are expected to be switched back on from November as it prepares to re-enforce the controversial bus lane which saw thousands of motorists fined for using Fishergte between 11am and 6pm.

What do you think about the bollard? Let us know in the comments below

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