Superfast broadband could be making its way to Lancashire in the next few years, as the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) have put in a multi-million pound bid to bring the network to Lancashire.
The organisation has submitted nearly £30m of bids into government and European money to help develop the next generation broadband.
It has also applied for £13m from an initiative set up by Jeremy Hunt, Culture Secretary, and an additional £16.5m bid into the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).
If successful, the LEP said it hoped to receive a similar amount of money from the private sector, with a view to superfast broadband being implemented and running by by 2015.
LEP chairman Edwin Booth, chairman of Booths, said the money would help “develop a sustainable economy” in Lancashire.
He said: “The introduction of next-generation broadband across the whole county by 2014 would further unlock the business potential that exists here in Lancashire to generate growth from the economy.
“Next-generation broadband could help to transform business by increasing the ability of companies to develop new products and expand into other services.”
Lancashire County Council has previously outlined its plans to create a network across the county by 2014. If the new bid is successful, this would also help build one of Europe’s superfast broadband networks.
For an explainer of what superfast broadband is and how what the governments plans are, check out the video below featuring Jeremy Hunt.
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