Blog Preston is proud to present another Preston Tweetup in association with Stage 9 Marketing, who have kindly offered to pay for all attendees’ first drink (spirits excluded). It’s to be held on Tuesday 12th October at the New Continental pub in the event area, and you can reserve your place by going to our event page.
A tweetup is where people come together, bring along their wi-fi enabled laptop and/or mobile phone and meet other people. People also use Twitter during the course of the evening, so even if you can’t make it you can see what’s happening and contribute, by following the #prestontweetup hashtag.
Hopefully we’ll have access to a projector which we can us flash up tweets onto a screen throughout the evening, so offer your views via Twitter over the course of the evening.
We’re going to be discussing:
‘How can online communities strengthen offline communities?’
With the boom of social media and a new form of the web, people are connecting in ways they’ve previously never been able to. Those with collective interests can discuss ideas, form business partnerships and make friends without having even met.
This Tweetup will focus on ways that online has helped benefit ‘real world’ relationships.
Have any blogs brought together people socially?
Can online campaigning help empower local communities?
How have you benefited from networks like LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook, both socially and professionally?
Could some causes in Preston benefit from having a stronger online presence in order to further their success?
The plan for the night is to start around 8 PM, allow half an hour for drinking and making the (free) wireless access work.
At 8.30 PM we’ll introduce the night’s topic and then break off into smaller groups to brainstorm (you’ll be allocated a number as you arrive) and then around 9.30 PM one person will feedback to everyone what their group came up with. The rest of the night will be free for socialising, idea bouncing and networking, with the first drink of the evening (excluding spirits) provided free of charge by our sponsors Stage 9.