
Make a Mark – a Chat with Moot.

Posted on - 11th March, 2010 - 9:10pm | Author - | Posted in - Arts & Culture, Opinion

ship_wall_8_800Local photographers are captivated by The Ship Inn’s mural wall, the ever changing artwork is eye catching and inspirational. On a grey day in Preston the colours break up the monotony of the landscape, it’s a great surprise to discover a new piece of artwork there. I wanted to find out more, quizzed Chris Moot – one of the artists behind the wall and discovered he has a lot of exciting projects on the horizon. A fledging clothing label MakeMake to be launched next month and the Shakedown Project amongst others. Read on…

The Ship Wall

Do you work with anyone else on The Ship Inn’s wall? It’s not just me who works on the wall, there’s a handful of us who hit the spot regularly  – myself, Zafo, Tea-one and Care.. all locals

Where do you get your inspiration? Inspiration comes from all over. However, on The Ship wall it’s primarily  graffiti, and that’s all about personnel style, so unless we do a full blown mural of something everyone can identify with, the graffiti inspiration comes from our heads and our sketchbooks.

Any more commercial spaces been blessed by your spray can? We are always on the look out for more walls in Preston. We really want to liven the place up, get people talking!!

Can your work be seen further afield than Preston? We travel around the country painting on other invite only walls and “other” spots.  So if anyone has the brass to donate a wall, please get hold of us!!!

Up until two years ago I lived in Brighton where a number of businesses pay graffiti artists to brighten up their shop fronts and exteriors. We don’t see so much of it in Preston but it really does become a focal point of the city and the artwork is amazing. What would you say to any businesses or organisations in Preston who are thinking of redecorating? It would be great if local businesses would let us paint on the shutters, pay us or just pay for paint. Preston is a sleeping city, it hasn’t yet embraced youth culture, I’ve heard we’ve only just got the go-ahead for a skate park after 10 years!!!!! Crazy. If Graffiti or muralism was embraced, younger artists would have more practice, get better faster and give the city an edge, such as Bristol, Brighton, Manchester etc…. We ain’t criminals, we are creatives who live in a tired sleepy city! We don’t sleep!

Ship wall

Are you from Preston & if not how come you’re here now? I am a local, however I studied illustration at Portsmouth University. Coming back here after three and a half years made me realise how little there is here in the way of big art, graffiti and youth culture.

And how long have you been with spray can? I’ve only been using spray paint for a few years, I also paint canvas’ and draw alot too.

Can you offer any advice to other aspiring graffiti artists? Anyone who wants to take it up, first tip – don’t be stupid! It’s easy to go out a scribble some shitty ‘tag’ on a shutter or bus stop and call your self a graffiti writer! That isn’t what were about! Find a wall, back yard or hidden spot that no one knows about, buy some paint and get started…look at other graff writers, there’s thousands of them! Enjoy it!


I have a canvas of yours from a few years ago, a collage of cartoon imagery including Fidel Castro’s head. It’s cool. I noticed you also adorn trainers too. Do you still work on canvas and shoe? I still paint a lot and sell my work. You can buy pretty much anything from my website, just a quick email for a commission or a painting from my gallery page. I am also starting the fashion markets in Manchester at the end of April. I will be selling my own brand of clothing and customising footwear as well as my paintings, looking forward to that.

You have a few exciting projects on the horizon. First up tell me about the Shakedown Project. The Shakedown Project is an event I started in 2004. After being in Portsmouth I ventured around the south and saw a couple of outdoor art events which inspired me to start one in Preston. The event pulls in some of the country’s finest artists and illustrators and gives the public chance to see the ‘pro’s’ get busy whilst they draw on the public draw area! We are hoping to create a mega Shakedown for the Preston Guild. I think the Shakedown Project will target a section of people that wouldn’t normally connect with the usual festivities. Anyone can get involved and the more that do, the better chance we have of the council getting behind us!
If everyone who wants to get involved could join the Moot Art news letter, then I could forward that list to the Council members!!! C’mon you yocals!!!

Watch a video of The Shakedown Project here Filmed & edited by CSV

What would you say to the naysayers…those that say you shouldn’t be teaching graffiti? Naysayers! I won’t waste my time talking about people who can’t open there eyes and see a positive side to colours and shapes in blank space!!


And you have your own clothing label, MakeMake lined up for Spring, what should we expect? It will be available from the end of April. I will be selling in Scene (Preston), Closet (Preston), Sole Food (Bolton) and others to be confirmed across the country. I will also be selling at the Manchester Fashion Markets!

Talking of clothing you must have to dress for all weathers, what is typical graff artists attire? We dress to impress….our selves! If it’s cold our fingers can take a beating! But other wise, like anyone else, we dress in what we feel comfortable in. Wearing some killer sneaks can earn you some points tho!


How can Preston help it’s artistic community? Preston needs to help, other wise it will fade off into a distant memory. If Preston wants recognition, it needs to hold it’s creative side at the front of it’s endeavours. All we need to keep the Shakedown growing is a yearly contribution from the council and the sky is our limit. We need someone on the council who isn’t there just to get paid and print red tape, we need a doer! Wall projects, empty shop galleries – there is so much that could be done very easily, if only the council could wake up!!!

And finally…when will The Ship Inn’s wall next be updated? The Ship wall will always be re-done on a weekly / fortnightly basis. More and more artists from across the country are being invited to the wall. so it’s not gonna stop anytime soon.

How can people check out your work? & if they want to get in contact what is the best way? To see Moot’s work, The Ship walls and Shakedown info, please go to There you can get on the usual Facebook, Flickr, Twitter etc

Image Credits:

Top wall – Mooty, Zafo

Second wall – moot, zafo

Third wall – Moot, Care, Tea-oNE

Customised trainers – Moot (see website for further info!)

Page layout from MakeMake Look Book. All Images, Logo’s and Text are the Copy right of MakeMake© 2010

Shakedown wall – Moot, Zafo

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