Since November The Olive Tree Brasserie has taken TripAdvisor by storm. With high expectations and an empty stomach, I visited one Thursday evening. Located in the Miller Arcade, Preston city […]
Turtle Bay is Preston’s latest restaurant-come-bar to have risen from the recession, bringing with it a much-needed splash of colour to the city centre. It could be that rare establishment […]
Kebabish Original enticed me through it’s strap line alone. Anywhere that advertises “the thrill of the grill” will be comically terrible or absolutely awesome – it turned to be neither. […]
Angels in Ribchester has held or flirted with Trip Advisor’s top spot for some considerable time and built up significant local support. With an empty stomach I booked myself in […]
I want to like Chinese food I really do, but there is only so many times I can be cheaply won over by salt and sugar. Mercifully Tang is helping […]
The Continental situated on the banks of the Ribble, would have you believe it is on The South Bank of the Thames judging by their website. Since opening in 2009 […]