Alas, this is our final journey through the streets of Preston in the 1970’s; however, to ease the pain, we have an extra helping of pictures for you making that twenty […]
This weeks look at times gone by in Preston sees some remarkable shots of some places that I have never actually seen in person and one or two that I […]
This week we take a look at streets and building which are essentially still in existence but with some changes. In one or two cases, buildings have been swept away […]
Once again, most of what you will see in this weeks part 7 of the 60’s and 70’s Preston picture series has gone, never to return; however, there are still […]
In this week’s retro time slip through the streets of Preston, about 80% of what you see in these pictures has vanished from sight and most of the remainder has changed […]
There’s quite and exciting mix of images in this weeks helping of 60’s and 70’s pictures of Preston. Most of what you will see has either been swept away completely […]
The first two pictures this week are not very seasonal as they are of the winter festive season in Fishergate; however, they are excellent views and should bring back memories […]
By the warm response that we’ve had, it certainly appears that readers love to see these old digitised photos of Preston in the 1960’s and the 1970’s. I suppose that the […]