The shadow minister for higher education has paid a visit to Preston’s university.
Matt Western MP is Labour’s lead for the university sector.
He spent the day at UCLan last week and met with vice-chancellor professor Graham Baldwin and deputy vice-chancellor (operations) Ruth Connor.
Read more: UCLan to reduce workforce with redundancies as it faces unprecedented financial challenges
Mr Western said: “I’ve visited universities the length and breadth of this country recently and it’s heartening to know that although the higher education sector is under unprecedented strain in terms of funding, institutions like the University of Central Lancashire are determined to deliver the best in Higher Education despite those financial constraints. Most impressively, it is still innovating.
“It is an important institution across the region and nationally. I want to see more young people choosing to transform their lives via a university education and I’m reassured that institutions such as the University of Central Lancashire continue to offer proven pathways to great future careers.”
Mr Western studied at the University of Bristol and has been MP for Warwick and Leamington since 2017. Before becoming an MP he worked for Peugeot for 24 years in a variety of senior management roles. He has held the higher education brief for Labour since 2021.
Read more: UCLan unveils plans to change name to University of Lancashire
Vice-chancellor Baldwin said: “The challenges that the higher education sector is facing are significant but working closely with local and national officials we are confident of exploiting the great opportunities that exist to support our students and communities.
“I’d like to thank Mr Western for listening to our concerns and hope he’ll continue to be a vociferous advocate for our important sector within the House of Commons.”
Mr Western also met with representatives from the university’s students’ union and undertook a tour of UCLan’s student centre on Adelphi Square along with its engineering innovation centre and the school of medicine and dentistry.
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