
£2,100 donation to help Preston foodbank cope with growing demand

Posted on - 27th April, 2023 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Charities, Preston News, Proud Preston, University campus
Claire Boweman, John Rimmer and Dominic Eaton in the storeroom at the Salvation Army Foodbank
Claire Boweman, John Rimmer and Dominic Eaton in the storeroom at the Salvation Army foodbank

A Preston foodbank has received a £2,100 donation to help with growing demand.

The donation was made to the Salvation Army foodbank by Freemasons from all Lodges based at Preston Masonic Hall.

Based in Harrington Street, the foodbank is at the forefront of helping those in need as the cost of living crisis continues. This is a growing challenge, as donations are falling while the demand for help in increasing.

Referrals for help to the Salvation Army foodbank have risen from 40 to 65 cases per week in recent months. Over the same period, the number of grocery bags distributed has risen from 200 to 300 per week.

Set against this difficult backdrop, the Freemasons made the donation to help with the cost of acquiring much-needed food and other provisions.

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The Chair of the Preston Group of Lodges and Chapters, John Rimmer, visited the foodbank to hand over the cheque, but more importantly understand the growing need.

David Parker, spokesperson for the group, said: “The Masons want to offer even more help when they can. We have a long-standing mantra to be ever mindful of the needs of others.

“During John’s visit, the foodbank manager Claire Bowerman was in the process of placing a large order with the warehouse they use. She told John that the donation would be enough to cover the cost of that order alone.

“Claire took John to see the storeroom where the racks were filling up with bags ready for distribution. The
stores though were quite depleted. It was a timely but humbling visit.”

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