Each year, Sean Keefe, landlord of the Vinyl Tap, raises money for cancer charities.
During the first lockdown, he cycled 666 miles, often virtually, for the Heavy Metal Truants, raising funds to fight cancer and for other causes.
During March, Sean joined ‘Walking Against Cancer’ to raise money for Cancer Research UK.
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He walked five miles a day throughout the month, and even went as far as to double his efforts.
He completed his fundraising efforts by walking the whole Guild Wheel on Wednesday 31 March.
Sean has managed to raise a total of £845.
Read more: Fundraisers organising charity football match for Rosemere
He said: “I first started doing all this around ten years ago, when we lost both my gran and auntie to cancer.
“I’ve seen good friends doing their best to cope when their child develops cancer, and seen other friends go through the process of fighting the disease, and quite frankly wish I could do more to help.”
You can still donate to Sean’s fundraiser on the Cancer Research UK website.
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