Police say the behaviour of youths in the Broadgate area of the city has meant there is need for a dispersal order.
The Section 34 order gives police the power to leave the area in the map below.
Preston Police say the ‘poor behaviour of youths in recent days’ has triggered the section 34.
It is in force from 6pm on Wednesday (17 July) through until Friday (19 July) at 6pm.
Police say they will review the incidents and see if further dispersal orders are needed throughout the weekend.
Inspector Patrick Worden said: “I have authorised this dispersal order in response to concerns raised by local residents. We understand that anti social behaviour can have a profound impact on victims and how safe they feel in their neighbourhood.
“Anti-social behaviour covers a range of offences and can involve harm to an individual, to the wider community or to the environment, leaving victims feeling harassed, alarmed or distressed. We are committed to tackling this type of crime and if necessary, further dispersal orders will be authorised in the area.”
Police used a dispersal order during June in Fishwick following incidents of youths throwing stones at cars.
Read more: How Broadgate could look in the future