
Preston RSPCA reopens after major refurbishment

Posted on - 10th March, 2019 - 1:52pm | Author - | Posted in - Charities, Preston News, Ribbleton
Entrance to the reopened RSPCA in Preston Pic: Blog Preston
Entrance to the reopened RSPCA in Preston Pic: Blog Preston

An animal shelter has reopened in Preston more than a year since closing its doors.

Preston and District RSPCA Centre in Longridge Road was forced to close in December 2017 due to animal safety concerns and standards of care not being met.

During Sunday (10 March) the centre reopened to the public, and to animals, after a major refurbishment.

A new cattery with improved pens and ventilation system has indoor and outdoor areas for its feline inhabitants.

Inside the cattery at the RSPCA in Preston Pic: Blog Preston
Inside the cattery at the RSPCA in Preston Pic: Blog Preston

Three dogs are currently in residence at the kennels on site, with new management at the RSPCA saying they are going to slowly build up the number of animals in need of re-homing at the site.

Joey, a lurcher, is one of the dogs at the RSPCA kennels Pic: Blog Preston
Joey, a lurcher, is one of the dogs at the RSPCA kennels Pic: Blog Preston

All of the previous trustees who were listed at the time of the centre’s closure in December 2017 and previous centre manager resigned from the Longridge Road centre during summer 2018 and it has now been taken into national ownership and operation.

Read more: Dogs rescued from living in squalor near Preston

Branch support specialist for the RSPCA Eleanor Mansell said they were hoping to restore it to a locally operated branch in the next two to three years.

You can listen to an interview with Eleanor in the clip below, or via this link, for an overview of the changes made to the centre and what the future holds.

Visitors to the centre were taken on tours and then finished up in the centres poly-tunnel, which they use for exercising dogs, for tea, cake and a tombola.

Read more: Preston’s first cat cafe opens to the public

How you can help the RSPCA

Re-home an animal, book an appointment to go and see the dogs, cats and in the future other animals such as rabbits up for adoption

Donate your time. The RSPCA has volunteering opportunities to help care and exercise the animals.

Donate food or bedding. The centre always needs food for the animals, and old clothes/bedding is always needed too. You can donate this at the centre in Longridge Road.

Support them financially. Donations can be made via the RSPCA website.

Visit the RSPCA shops. The RSPCA in Preston operates shops in Chorley and Longridge.

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