A new scheme to build a large-scale block of student flats near Preston’s university has been lodged.
Proposals for the former New Friargate Social Club site in Maudland Bank were rejected by councillors last yea rand also rejected under appeal to the planning inspector.
Now plans have gone in for the same site from Carson and Sall architects.
The scaled-back scheme would not go over seven stories, like the David Cox Architects plans, with only four stories and also have fewer flats with 142-bedrooms instead of 152.
Read more: Huge new student flats plan in Moor Lane approved
A statement from the architects said: “The site, at present contains a vacant building which is attracting anti-social behaviour and crime. It also contains a privately operated car park which is enclosed in a very unattractive palisade fence 2m high which presents a defensive and low quality barrier to the site.
“The site, at present, detracts from the area and redevelopment will stimulate benefits: A more vibrant streetscene to Maudland Bank. A livelier frontage to the canal side which is to be redeveloped over the medium term into a green corridor by the University of Central Lancashire.
“In the short term this frontage will provide better natural surveillance to the existing playground which is underused.
“High quality, purpose built accommodation for students in the city. A range of measures to mitigate existing issues affecting local residents, such as parking and behaviour.
“The proposals comply with planning policy and will offer a net benefit to the city as a whole and to the more local area.”
Councillors rejected previous schemes saying the ‘scale and massing’ of the proposals were too great for the area.
Read more: Friargate student flats plan could soon be Preston’s second-tallest building
You can see the full plans on the city council website and leave comments there.
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