One of Preston’s most popular late-night pubs faces an uncertain future.
Admiral Taverns who own the Old Dog Inn in Church Street say they are ‘reviewing’ the business.
Blog Preston understands current landlord Paul Whittle is giving up the premises by the end of July.
A spokeswoman for Admiral Taverns said: “We want to ensure our pubs are viable sustainable businesses at heart of their local communities and give our tenants the best opportunity to run these pubs successfully.
“We are reviewing the business at the Old Dog Hotel but it is not available for auction.”
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The Old Dog, where many have ended up after a night out, dates back to 1715 – when the original pub was built on the site.
The pub has a blue plaque on its outside wall to mark how it was used for early methodist meetings.
Matha Thompson (1733-1820) invited John Wesley to Preston in 1780 and the pub was used as a base for the methodist faith.
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Blog Preston contacted Paul Whittle for comment on the future of the pub but received no response.
Ever drink in The Old Dog? What do you think about its future? Let us know in the comments below