One of Preston’s most famous pubs is seeking a new face behind the bar.
The Dog and Partridge in Friargate, which has recently undergone a major refurbishment, needs a new landlord.
Punch Pubs wants someone to take on the D&P.
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They state: “Tipped to become Preston’s number one live music venue, this high street value pub enjoys a superb central position and has the potential to pull in students and coffee-seeking shoppers during the day as well as lovers of cocktails, cask ale and live music in the evenings and at weekends.
“We’re looking for a dynamic operator to take on this vibrant pub and music venue. As well as being personable and outgoing, you must be able to manage a multifaceted business spanning live music, food and regular daytime trade.”
Up until late 2014 the pub had the legendary Ronnie Fitzpatrick behind the bar. He has retired from the pub trade.
Anyone interested can see more details on the Punch website.
Do you drink in the Dog and Partridge? What do you think of the new look? Let us know in the comments below