Three families have chosen to mark their loved ones by having a bench dedicated to them in Moor Park.
As part of the restoration of the grade-II listed park the benches are partly funded by lottery funds.
The Halewood’s, Wright’s and McCann’s picked their spot in the park to have the dog and serpent design benches.
Each family has donated £1,000 and the benches have their own memorial plaque.
Preston City Council’s cabinet member for community and environment councillor Robert Boswell said: “The council would like to thank the Halewood, Wright and McCann families for their donations and taking up the offer of benches within Moor Park.
“The peaceful and tranquil location is perfect as people have many happy memories of spending time with their family here, and the dedicated messages engraved on the plaques reflect those sentiments. Many of the seat locations have lovely views over the park, or are in areas of particular interest.”
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The first bench is situated in a sunny aspect near Garstang Road, it reads:
The second is near the bowling green, it reads:
Stuart Wright 14/04/1982 – 01/03/2016
Dearly Loved
“Fly High With The Angels”
And the third is on the Deepdale Road side, near the skate park
In Memory of Ken McCann
31st October 1942 – 11th November 2008
“Sadly missed”