
What Preston had to say about hospital parking charges

Posted on - 3rd July, 2017 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Fulwood, Opinion, Preston News, Sharoe Green
Royal Preston Hospital
Preston Hospital is making changes to parking fees

The change in parking charges at Royal Preston Hospital triggered a huge response from Blog Preston readers.

Thousands of people read the story and many choose to share their views on charging to park at the hospital.

With many feeling there shouldn’t be any charges, to others sharing tips on when you can ask for the fees to be waived and some who felt charging is a necessity.

Here’s a range of views on the new charges at Royal Preston.

Rebecca Hewitson felt people needed to look at the wider NHS funding situation.

She said: “Car parks need maintenance and security. That’s just a fact. I’m pretty sure most people would prefer any funds the Trusts receive from the Government were spent on patient care rather than subsidising car parks. Unless I’ve totally misunderstood what a hospital is for, of course.

“If Trusts didn’t have to make the choice between financing carparks or patient care , it wouldn’t be an issue. However, that’s not the case and as such people going to hospital have to pay for it. Direct any ire at the people who determine whether the NHS is worth funding adequately. (The name Jeremy Hunt springs to mind).”

Read more: Inspector finds ‘serious failings’ at Lancashire hospitals

Andrew Cropper was furious at the new charges.

He said: “Disgusting. Shouldn’t have to pay to visit or attend accident and emergency. What about people who have to visit multiple times for treatments, assessments, etc? Absolutely crazy. Should be up to 3 hours for free for example. Then a small charge over that say a £1? Shame on you.”

Some readers thought it was unfair to increase the parking charges if the hospital couldn’t keep to appointment times.

Kym Bamber said: “It is absolutely ridiculous. If they are to charge sliding scales like that then they should make sure that you are seen at your appointment time not and hour or two after it! Why should you be kept waiting for hours and then be charged for it when it is out of your control? Also, taking away free blue badge parking for disabled people is disgusting and just typical of the problems with this Tory govenment and austerity cuts.”

She found support from Graham Robinson who said: “I agree. If your not seen within 10 minutes of your appointment you should at least have your charges removed. This would make them pull their socks up. Also blue badge holders will now park on the estates on double yellow lines. Also people will use the ambulance service more. They can’t have it all their own way.”

Linda Bent said they needed to invest in parking infrastructure: “Why don’t they make a park and ride for day time appointments and visitors that would reduce the congestion around the hospital at certain times of day. Why should blue badge people not have to pay their only the same as others who have to go to the hospital, even the staff have to pay, and if their on shifts sometimes they struggle to park.”

These are the new fees, with the old prices in brackets

Up to 30 minutes – Free (Free)
Up to one hour – £3 (£2.50)
Up to two hours – £3.50 (£3)
Up to four hours – £5.50 (£3)
Up to six hours – £6 (£3)
Up to eight hours – £10 (£8)
More than eight hours – £10 (£10)

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