Preston’s controversial Fishergate bus lane could be back in force from early September.
Lancashire County Council is proposing to reinstate its enforcement of the lane – from Mount Street down to Corporation Street and Butler Street and Corporation Street – between 11am and 6pm each day.
The county council was forced to stop sending out penalties to drivers after six appeals were upheld by an independent adjudicator who said signage for the scheme is ‘inadequate’.
A report to county councillors has been put together recommending the Fishergate bus lane has cameras put back on permanently.
Read more: Look up how not to install a bus lane and you’ll find Preston
Four large new signs would be added on Fishergate, as well as Fox Street, Lune Street and Chapel Street. A sign will also be added to the top of Butler Street.
Director of community services Phil Barrett said: If the cabinet gives the go-ahead, we’ll reintroduce camera enforcement, and carry out advertising and promotion to make people aware of these bus lanes.
“We know that many people are already aware of them, and if this is agreed then we’re planning to do what we can to get the message out even further.
“Our aim is to secure compliance with the regulations, not to see anyone being caught, and cameras are an effective way to enforce them. There has been a significant increase in motorists ignoring these restrictions since camera enforcement was suspended.
“We’ve had support from businesses and bus operators, and we’ll be changing the signing to address the adjudicators’ findings.”
The county council claims the bus lane removed an average of 2,700 vehicles per day from the section of Fishergate between Mount Street and Corporation Street.
Read more: How Fishergate traffic rules have damaged parking in St George’s
A meeting of the county council’s cabinet on Thursday 13 July will be discussed.
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