
Watch the Lancashire dialect explained by Korean Billy

Posted on - 16th April, 2017 - 10:31am | Author - | Posted in - Observations, Preston News, Videos

An explanation of the Lancashire dialect has been released in the latest in a series for Koreans visiting the UK.

Korean Billy has been translating various British dialects for foreign visitors – and those from London too.

He covers off the likes of Corporation Pop, jiggered and it’s crackin’ flags.

In his video explanation he gives a bit of background about each phrase and then runs through an example sentence comparing a typical British phrase to the Lancashire version.

The Harris Museum and Art Gallery appears in the back-drop as he explains all things Lanky.

Talking about the phrase, not the presenter
Talking about the phrase, not the presenter

Read more: 34 things everyone who grew up in Preston knows to be true

We’re jiggered from eating Easter Eggs so we’ll leave you to enjoy the video and have a giggle.

What’s your favourite Lanky word or expression? Let us know in the comments below

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