
Seven things Prestonians said on hearing there might be a charge for collecting brown bins

Posted on - 8th January, 2016 - 10:00am | Author - | Posted in - Opinion, Politics, Preston News
A charge would be made for each brown bin collected by the council

A charge would be made for each brown bin collected by the council

Collecting brown bin from homes in Preston may now come with an added charge.

Preston City Council has unveiled plans to charge £30 per year per garden waste bin from July.

If approved the plans could save the council hundreds of thousands of pounds per year.

The council says it needs to introduce the scheme as part of proposals to find a further £4million in savings imposed by Whitehall.

Prestonians have been giving their reaction to the scheme.

Bob Down thinks it’ll be a boom for those making their own compost.

He said: “I think recycling’s a good thing but if the council make me pay – I’ll just pile it up in a heap at the bottom of the garden, and they won’t make anything re-selling the compost.”

Stephen Rollins says we should look to Europe for the answer to our waste collections.

He said: “This country is a big joke regarding refuse. Nasty bins for every house and not just the one either! Look at Amsterdam they have 2 dumpsters underground at the end of each street. Its collected easily and no one ever hits any rubbish limits! Same goes for Spain they have big bins that are shared and it works perfectly!”

While Tabitha Boydell was content with the new charge.

She said: “Fine with this. Better than cuts to essential services. Compost makes itself, so if you don’t want to pay…..a composter will be more than £30 though.”

Seb Smith thinks it could all end in violence.

He said: “We’ll all have to guard our brown bins, ‘cos if I pay for it & the chap down the road doesn’t, he’ll have his eye out for me putting my bin out so that he can chuck his garden waste in there! It’ll be a bloody nightmare!”

Hughie Roberts wants to see a different type of charge introduced.

He said: “How about an extra charge for households that never put their recycling bins out, only ever the grey bin? Are they really, miraculously, not creating any recyclable waste or are they, more likely, simply contributing much more than is necessary to landfill?”

Stuart Sumner thinks it is a garden tax.

He said: “Absolutely ridiculous. Punishing people who have gardens. Every 2 week collections isn’t enough for me at the min. And now I need to pay. Cheers PCC.”

While the charge idea finds support with Sandra Bullercat.

She said: “Good idea….charge for all waste, we are far too wasteful, it may get people thinking about what they throw away a bit more.”

What’s your view on the brown bin tax? Let us know in the comments below

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