
Preston Marina – Terns and Algae

Posted on - 21st April, 2015 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Ashton-on-Ribble, Observations, Preston Council, Preston News


Preston, Lancashire, 21st April 2015: UK Weather: Warm sunny wea

Wooden Tern trays were today being established at the nesting site of a colony of terns in Preston Marina.  In recent years Preston Council has worked with the RSPB and the Fylde Bird Club to encourage the Tern colony to flourish in the Albert Dock. The Terns which are small, fast and incredibly agile are popular with visitors to the Marina.


Preston, Lancashire, 21st April 2015: UK Weather: Warm sunny wea

The warm Spring weather has also resulted in a not so welcome return to Preston Marina for Blue-Green Algae which can be seen as floating scum on the water.  The Algal toxins also give off a pungent smell. While the smell is harmless the algae can be harmful to animals and humans who come into contact with it. Preston City Council has worked with scientific and environmental agencies to try and tackle the problem.

Have you seen the algae down at the docks? Let us know in the comments below.

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