So it’s nearly exactly five years since the first words were typed on Blog Preston (it’s officially our birthday tomorrow!). And a fair bit has changed since then, although the Bus Station is still here.
We’ve a big announcement about the future of Blog Preston to make.
We are now a community interest company. Company number 08814641. Registered. Paid up.
What does this mean? It’s a new type of company which means we are not a charity but we are also a business. It means any money made is ploughed back into keeping Blog Preston running.
Our official aims as an organisation will be:
o To report and create online content about the city of Preston to be published via and its associated social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr and any others which it chooses to use)
o To involve community contributors across the city to produce content about their local area which may be of interest to their community or the wider community of the city of Preston
o To work with other community organisations, for example a community radio station or the local university, to report on community events and news
o To establish a Blog Preston community fund which can help fund community events or projects across the city, such as the sponsoring of a new exhibition about Preston’s history, a community fun day or any other number of worthwhile community initiatives
We hope you’re as excited as we are about what this means for Blog Preston, and we welcome anyone who wants to get involved with open arms.
Drop us a line, and we’ll be happy to talk.
And a huge thanks to everyone who has read Blog Preston and contributed to help us reach this point. Here’s to the next five years!
Ed, Tony, Paul S, Gill, Bernie, Lisa, Charlotte and Paul M