
The ‘New’ New Continental In Preston?

Posted on - 16th October, 2012 - 8:45pm | Author - | Posted in - Business, Observations, Pubs

Is this the site for the New Continental in central Preston?

A recent application from New Continental Properties Limited asked the council to grant a Club Premises Certicficate and licence to open from Monday to Sunday at 10:00 to 02:00 and late night refreshments from 23:00 to 02:30 at the old Co-op buildings on Ormskirk Road in Preston.

The Sheraton Buildings on Ormskirk Road have been empty for a while. They are still registered as the offices for the Co-op in Preston.

It is believed that the owners of the very successful Continental pub on South Meadow Lane in Preston have a desire to expand their vision into the city centre. And the Sheraton Building would be the ideal choice.

Preston in pictures Preston [Listed Building Grade II] - 7 East Cliff 241109Preston [Listed Building Grade II] - 6 East Cliff 241109Preston [Listed Building Grade II] - 8 East Cliff 241109Sentinel Shunter Ribble Rail Sentinel 33027 Jim MartinThe Old Taxi Rank, Preston Bus StationPreston Market at night. View more
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