
Preston Against Cuts protest planned this weekend

Posted on - 12th January, 2011 - 9:50am | Author - | Posted in - Business, Campaigns, People, Preston News, What's On in Preston

Preston is set to host another protest opposed to Government cuts this Saturday.

The protest will begin on the Flag Market at 12 noon and continue for one hour, with several local speakers attending to explain the impact of cuts on various organisations.

The event has been organised by the Preston Against Cuts organising committee for the Preston Trades Council, seeking to highlight cuts and how they affect the local community.

Andrew Birchall, Preston Against Cuts coordinator, said: “We are protesting on Saturday to raise the profile of opposition to the Government’s austerity agenda.

“We believe that there is another way to lift the country out of a crisis caused by world bankers and much of this can be found on the False Economy website.

“Britain needs investment, not cuts, but investment supported and coordinated by those we elect, not the whims of the market.

“We are asking the community to contact their local MP to let them know how the cuts will affect them, put up posters in workplaces or community notice boards, visit the Preston Against Cuts website and support the March 26th National Demo in London.”

This is the third protest to be held in the city centre in two months (previous events have included UK Uncut and student marches), and with full spending reviews coming into force during 2011, they are expected to continue. Preston’s economy is heavily reliant on the public sector, the University of Central Lancashire being the single biggest employer in the city. Local government cuts will also affect council spending in the years to come.

Andrew Birchall said: “The problems we face are the demands placed on Governments from a section of the economy that have failed not only us but the planet we live on.

“This section of the national and global economy is out of control and we need to make them act responsibly and start a plan for long term structural growth, a coordinated way out of the mess the bankers and their associates created.

“Hopefully it will be a large event but we are building for the future, we feel it may need a long term rather than a short term approach.

“If support grows we will march in Preston next month on the 12th February, the Saturday before the County Council finalise their budget.”

If you want to sign up to support the march, you can join the Facebook event here.

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