You may have noticed a bright yellow advertisement balloon over Preston today with the word MEAT highlighted on the side and wondered what it was. Apologies to vegetarians but today […]
12 years ago Lancashire Council of Mosques urges boycott of school mealsIn a press release issued today the The Lancashire Council of Mosques (LCM) has sent out an urgent call to all Muslims of Lancashire not to touch school meals […]
12 years ago Preston plays key role in horsemeat testsPreston and Lancashire County Council Trading Standards Officers are playing a large part in the investigation into the horsemeat contamination scandal. Scientists based at the Docklands in Preston are testing […]
12 years ago Vegan month: an eye-opening first weekWith only a week gone in my month of being a vegan, it’s too early to come to a verdict about its advantages and disadvantages. What I can say with […]
14 years agoIt all started with a conversation during Christmas dinner. Conversation was flowing just as quickly as the bucks fizz, and talk soon turned to the year the father-in-law had bought […]
14 years ago Most Discussed