Channel 5 documentary series Cause of Death, featuring several departments across Royal Preston Hospital, has been long-listed in the National Television Awards for Best Factual. The Candour Productions series, which […]
2 years ago Preston Vue cinema to screen Oasis Knebworth 1996 this SeptemberPreston’s Vue cinema is screening the rock and roll documentary Oasis Knebworth 1996 this September. On Thursday 23 September and Friday 24 September only, fans new and old can watch the long-awaited documentary […]
3 years ago Preston filmmaker documents athlete’s 24-hour bike ride for CALMPreston-based videographer and filmmaker, Garth Dew, has released a short film which documents why his long-time friend, endurance athlete Benjamin Anthony, undertook a gruelling 24-hour indoor bike ride. With coronavirus […]
4 years ago Watch: Teaser for Action Records documentary unveiledA teaser has been released ahead of the upcoming documentary centred around Action Records. Our original article about the documentary was very popular with Preston as record collectors shared their […]
10 years agoThere was so much interest in our first Action Records article announcing the production of the film about the shop that we thought we would provide the Blog Preston readers […]
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