Do you know someone in Preston who needs help getting online or using their computer? The CitizenZone bus is touring the city once more to give those who aren’t making […]
9 years ago CitizenZone bus free internet and email training planned for Ribbleton and FishwickAward-winning internet and email training returns to the city during June. The CitizenZone bus provides a free service for residents to learn how to get online or improve their internet […]
9 years ago Internet taster sessions planned for RibbletonThe battle to get more Prestonians online continues in March. Preston City Council’s award-winning Citizenzone project rolls into Ribbleton. Two hour taster sessions on how to get online take place […]
11 years ago Preston City Council budget: Where will the axe fall?Preston City Council is currently consulting on major cutbacks to its services as it seeks to save £3.6 million. As council tax goes up, there will also need to be […]
11 years agoA mobile bus which aims to get the people of Preston online has won a national award. Preston City Council’s CitizenZone vehicle takes to the streets to teach people who […]
13 years ago Most Discussed