This category relates to all things to do with the people of Preston.
Twitter views on the spending review #prestoncuts #csrWe asked you on twitter what your thoughts were on today’s spending review. Here’s the best of them. @djbentley liked – no new trident, £2bn extra for social care, pupil […]
14 years ago A map of the UK, people employed in the public sectorI’ve made a map using data from the Guardian Datastore, which looks at the percentage of each local authority that’s employed by the public sector. Preston features pretty high, coming […]
14 years ago Video: Cuts protest at the Flag Market
Protesters in the town centre
Today Chancellor George Osborne will announce the biggest set of government cuts this century. In an urge to create a smaller state and cut the deficit, the Chancellor is expected […]
14 years ago
Preston Tweeps gathered together for the third Preston Tweetup last Tuesday at the New Continental. In association with Stage 9 Marketing and They Eat Culture, the event was a great […]
Preston’s students have reacted to the Browne Review and its long awaited independent report into student funding that has recommended a radical shake up by lifting the cap on tuition […]
A battling display from AFC Fylde saw the club twice come from behind to earn a superb victory against Trafford.
14 years ago Student lock in sweeps the students of Preston
Oh my god! It’s that time of year again, Student Lock Ins are back and better than ever with more exclusive discounts and freebies than ever before. There was no […]