Owners of a Preston deli will hope to put recent troubles behind them when they open at a new site in the city centre.
Eat Indian left its original site on Fishergate over the Christmas period with landlords claiming they were evicted over unpaid rent and Eat Indian stating there was a disagreement over rent.
Now, Eat Indian will open in the former Greekos site, itself open less than a year on Fishergate, just over the road and next door to Greggs.
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Greekos opened in 2024 but has made way for the quick return of Eat Indian to Preston’s high street.
The reason for the closure of Greekos, who in November announced plans to expand into Lancaster, has not been made clear.
Eat Indian is a deli that sells snacks, curries, wraps and food to either eat now or takeaway and eat later.
They opened in Preston for the first time in 2021 and have stores in Lancaster, Blackpool and Kendal.
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