
Broughton primary school to create new classrooms and hall extension to cope with admitting double the pupils

Posted on - 7th January, 2025 - 8:00am | Author - | Posted in - Broughton, Education, Preston News, Schools, Wyre News
Broughton in Amounderness CoE Primary School
Broughton in Amounderness CoE Primary School

Details have emerged about how a school in rural Preston plans to accommodate a near doubling in the number of new pupils it admits each year.

The expansion of Brougton-in-Amounderness Church of England Primary School was agreed by Lancashire County Council’s cabinet back in January.

From September 2025, the  Church Lane facility – off Garstang Road – will welcome 60 reception-class children through the gates, up from 35 previously.

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The higher intake has already been reached during the current academic year, but that was done on a one-off basis, with the existing facilities deemed able to cope with the increase.

However, once the boost in pupil numbers becomes permanent from next year, new space will be needed.

The Department for Education says the voluntary aided facility – which is operated by the Diocese of Blackburn – now has 326 pupils enrolled, whereas its official capacity is only 245.

The county council has this month consulted Preston City Council over its plans, which involve an extension to the school hall building. That will create an extra six general classrooms, one design and technology teaching space, toilets, meeting rooms and a staff area. Refurbishment and alterations will also be undertaken within some of the existing buildings on the site.

County Hall’s own independent development control committee will ultimately decide whether to grant planning permission for the 2,300 square metre-expansion scheme.   Funding was allocated for the work at the start of the year, but details of the cost were kept under wraps at the cabinet meeting where the cash was approved, for commercial reasons.

Separate plans for the creation of a multi-use games area on one of the school’s playing fields are also in train, along with an extension to its playground.

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