
Best of Preston compilation album to launch at city taproom

Posted on - 30th January, 2025 - 6:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Friargate, Music, Nightlife & Entertainment, Penwortham, Preston City Centre, Preston News, Pubs, South Ribble News, What's On in Preston
Best of Preston artists, L-R: Lee Richards, Charlotte Day, Glyn Shipman
Best of Preston artists, L-R: Lee Richards, Charlotte Day, Glyn Shipman

An album of songs from Preston singer-songwriters is set to launch at a city taproom next month.

Chain House Brewing Co and Tap Room will host the party for the Best of Preston album, believed to be the first of its kind since the Reclaiming the Guild project in 1992.

Fourteen local singer-songwriters recorded self-penned tracks from various genres including blues, indie, pop, rock ‘n’ roll and electronica.

Part-funded by the Lancashire Culture and Sports Fund via a Spacehive crowdfunder, the artists also contributed. The project was sponsored by 3507 Studio Recording in Penwortham, who produced the album.

Nick Sagar, who owns 3507 Studio, said: “When we were approached about the project we jumped at the chance to contribute to the creation of this local compilation album.

“We see so much talent from the local area in the studio, so an album that celebrates some of that talent is the perfect platform.”

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Project partner Martyn Rolly Music has been promoting local original music through a series of live music shows since 2022 and organised the crowdfunding for the project.

Keith Mitchell wrote and performs the track China Street on Best of Preston. Keith, who also appeared on Reclaiming the Guild, said: “I contributed to a similar project in 1992 for Preston
Guild year so it’s great to be involved in this one.

The local music industry, musicians, venues and studios add so much to the cultural fabric and local economy of the city. I’m happy to support any project that promotes local original music.”

Alisha Jane Stewart, whose song Fickle Belief is on the new album, works at Chain House. Alisha said: “I’m really pleased to have recorded a song and to help host the Best of Preston album launch. Nick and Claire at 3507 Studio have put so much work into making this happen – the project deserves a great launch at a cool venue!”

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The album will be available on all the popular streaming platforms with an artist list including Keith Mitchell, Aaron John McMullan, Glyn Shipman, Millicent, James Thomson, Martin Terry, John Priest (with his band The Pit Ponies), Plato’s Locker, The Besotted, John Paterson, Charlotte Day, Kev Ash, Lee Richards and Alisha Jane Stewart.

The album cover is by local photographer Bernie Blackburn.

The Best of Preston launch event takes place on Friday 7 February at 8pm and is free to attend.

To find out more, email 3507 Studio Recording on

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This story was made possible by you, our readers, and a host of organisations in the city, through our Crowdfund Lancashire appeal, which unlocked support from the Lancashire Culture and Sport Fund provided by Lancashire County Council. You can see all our coverage and, if you know of an arts project or event in the city we should be covering, you can submit it for our event listings and/or send details to for us to cover it as a story on the Blog.

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