Work on the damaged Preston Market Hall entrance is set to be finished within days.
The entrance from Earl Street has been closed since December 23 last year.
A car crash damaged the area and it was left with broken glass and chipboard across it for months before Preston City Council – who operate the market – took action.
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Traders, such as Liveseys Butchers who are next door to the Earl Street entrance, said the lack of the door working had been affecting the number of customers visiting their stalls.
Sam Livesey, who chairs the Preston Market Traders Association, told Blog Preston: “It’s very pleasing that the Earl street entrance will be operational from next week. It has felt an eternity, and I’m sure all trader’s will feel relieved as it has had a huge impact on trade as well as the general day to day use for traders. Hopefully we can get back to normality and increase trade to what it was originally.”
The city council had said obtaining the right glass as well as the insurance claim related to the incident had help up the repair.
Workmen were pictured on scaffolding during Friday (2 August) making final preparations to the area.
Temporary hoarding and railings, with information about the Market Hall’s history, had been put up since May – before the area had been left as it was when the crash took place.
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