Building work has started on a new supported living scheme, which will provide long-term affordable accommodation, for people with learning disabilities and autism in Preston.
Located on Eldon Street in Plungington the scheme will provide 14 apartments to support independent living with a communal lounge, garden area and accommodation for staff to provide round the clock care and support.
Set to be completed in June 2025, the scheme is being developed by one of the UK’s largest providers of supported living accommodation, RWP (Reside with Progress) in partnership with Lancashire County Council (LCC).
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County councillor Graham Gooch said: “It is always a pleasure to work with housing associations, and RWP. We have worked with them for a number of years, and we work together very well.”
“The added social dimension of this scheme is that the people living here will mix with the people living in the community and use the local facilities. The scheme will be a wonderful opportunity and it will give tenants independent living and their own front door.”
As part of the government’s Housing with Care and Support Strategy, LCC has modernised its offer of supported living. Looking to build more apartments and bungalows, giving residents their own front door, helping them to live as independently as possible.
Daniel Griffiths, Development Director at RWP and Progress Housing Group, said: “There is a huge demand in Lancashire for housing for people with support needs and this scheme will help to fulfil that.”
He continued: “We deliver support housing so people can have a lifetime home and feel part of a community, and that is what we are doing here. The site was previously unused, and it will now be used and will ensure that the people living here have got somewhere comfortable and safe to live and can live their best lives.”
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