A well known figure in the Forton farming community raised £1,500 after he was successfully treated for prostate cancer.
Mick Briggs, of Forton, held a plant and cake sale at his home in the village, which raised £1,500 for Rosemere Cancer Foundation.
Mick, who was successfully treated for prostate cancer at Rosemere Cancer Centre last year, sold a stunning array of colourful and fragrant outdoor and indoor plants to family and friends, who were also served delicious home-made cakes.
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To announce the sale’s total Mick invited the same group, which included members of Fylde Country Life Preservation Society, of which Mick is a member, round to his home again for a hotpot supper to celebrate.
Sue Swire, fundraising manager for Rosemere Cancer Foundation, said: “Mick raised a wonderful donation. It wasn’t the first time Mick had fundraised for Rosemere and he has also been very involved in obtaining other support from other local events for us, as well as other local charities.
“We’re very grateful to Mick for all his hard work.”
Rosemere Cancer Foundation works to bring world class cancer treatments and services to cancer patients from throughout Lancashire and South Cumbria being treated at Rosemere Cancer Centre, which is the region’s specialist cancer treatment and radiotherapy centre at the Royal Preston Hospital, and also at another eight local hospital cancer units across the two counties.
The charity funds cutting-edge equipment, clinical research, staff training and innovative services and initiatives that the NHS cannot afford in order to make patients’ cancer journey more effective, comfortable and stress-free.
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