
Two young males stopped driving what is technically a motorbike with one carrying Class As

Posted on - 24th April, 2024 - 9:00am | Author - | Posted in - Crime, Fishwick, Lancashire Police, Preston News
The bike seized by police
The bike seized by police

Two young males were stopped driving a motorcycle across Fishwick Nature Reserve with one found to be in possession of Class A drugs.

Police stopped the men on 19 April who were driving an electric Surron motorcycle.

Electric Surron’s are classed by law as a motorcycle rather than a EAPC (electrically-assisted pedal cycle) so riders must comply with motorcycle laws, such as having relevant driving licence and insurance etc.

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Police said that the driver will be dealt with for a number of driving offences and the bike seized is likely to be destroyed.

The passenger, a 17 year old male, was searched and found to be in possession of suspected Class A drugs specifically Heroin and Crack Cocaine.

He was arrested for possession with intent to supply a controlled drug and has since been bailed while the investigation is ongoing.

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