To celebrate International Women’s Day we’re shining a light on some of Preston’s strong women with the help of personal training gym Pro-Fit.
These inspirational members and trainer have transformed their physical and mental health thanks to their commitment and passion for fitness.
Matt Dewhurst, Pro-Fit co-founder, said: “When we talk about strong women at Pro-Fit we’re not talking about people who can lift the heaviest weights. Our membership is diverse – from people who have overcome illness, injury and mental health battles, to those training to get into shape for a key life milestone, sporting event or to stay active as long as possible.
“This International Women’s Day we wanted to celebrate some of our remarkable female members by telling their stories in a bid to inspire others.”
From a young woman who became paralysed at just 16-years-old, to an 81-year-old who trains five times a week, here are four strong women who have used fitness to overhaul their outlook on life.
Rebecca Pearson
A keen netballer with an active lifestyle, 20-year-old Becca became paralysed from the waist down after developing sepsis aged 16. She joined Pro-Fit at a low point in her life and thanks to her hard work and dedication has rebuilt herself both physically and mentally. She now plays wheelchair basketball for Lancaster Bulldogs and last summer completed a 5K, smashing her personal best.
Becca said: “I was a really sporty teenager. I played netball three times a week and took part in every school sport that I could, it was a big part of my life. But on 31s August 2020, when I was 16 years old, my life changed forever.
“I developed an infection that led to sepsis, which caused me to become paralysed from the waist down. I really struggled not taking part in sport or not being able to be as active as I was before as this had been such a big part of my life. Eventually I started to play wheelchair basketball and found my passion for sports and being active again. But after developing sepsis again in November 2022, I really struggled mentally and physically and I knew that I needed to do something about it.
“I decided to give Pro-Fit a try. I was in a low point mentally in my life and knew I needed to do something about it. All of the personal trainers have been so supportive – they have never been afraid to work with me, which sadly I have experienced with other PTs in the past. My fitness has improved greatly. I can now push myself so much further and without tiring as easily.
“I play wheelchair basketball for Lancaster Bulldogs and training has helped to improve my strength and stamina significantly. But it is my confidence and mental health that has seen the most positive effect, which has been noticed by family and friends too.”
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Kate, 50, went from an anxious beginner who was struggling mentally, to a woman in her prime loving fitness and losing an impressive three dress sizes. A striking thing about Kate’s story is that she chose to explore how fitness could improve her mental health before going to the doctors for medication – despite her concerns about how unfit she was. It is this mindset that has propelled Kate forward to transform herself, not only physically but mentally.
Kate said: “Before joining Pro-Fit, I’d had a few months where mentally I was very down. I was eating pretty much junk food, frozen food, pizzas here and there, and just piling the pounds on. I was not happy with me.
“A friend of mine was going through something similar at the same time and had gone down the doctor’s route for medication, and I thought I’ll try and do the fitness route to feel better.
“I was concerned about my fitness levels at the time, and that I wouldn’t be able to keep up. But the great thing about Pro-Fit is that people are here for all sorts of reasons and everyone is there to support each other.
“Fast forward seven months and I have lost three-and-a-half stone, my biological age is down five years and I’ve lost eight inches off my waist. In fact some of the people I have known for years don’t even recognise me now! Most importantly I am fitter and happier than I have been in a long time. My mental health has improved dramatically and I’m full of enthusiasm and zest for life.”
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Pat is Pro-Fit’s oldest member at 81. She is a shining example that age shouldn’t be a barrier when it comes to maintaining an active lifestyle.
Pat said: “I want to show people that there’s no age to not exercise!
“I knew I needed to keep active, since my aim is to live to be 100 and still be healthy and mobile.
“I’ve also been diagnosed with a heart condition, permanent atrial fibrillation, and heart conditions have run in my family. I’m the eldest of five siblings but, sadly, the only one still around today, which is even more reason why I sought help in the first place.
“When I was in my early 30s I used to play squash in the summer leagues and attend regular yoga sessions but that fizzled out. I’ve tried a lot of bootcamps and gyms in the past but never particularly found anything I enjoy until the last few years.
“Without Dean and Pro-Fit, I wouldn’t be motivated to exercise. I’m held accountable and my aches and pains in my shoulders, hips and knees have all significantly reduced thanks to the expert guidance I’ve been given over the years. It’s the best decision I ever made.
“Any physical concerns you might bring will all be worked on and managed whilst you’re at Pro-Fit and nothing – age, joints, fitness or otherwise – will ever get in the way.
“It’s no effort for me and it’s now a way of life!”
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Alanis-Sky Akin
Alanis is one of Pro-Fit’s powerhouse female trainers, and an example of what your body can do when you train consistently, focusing on performance and not aesthetics. It’s a mindset that is serving her well as she embarks on this year’s competitive season of CrossFit. Alanis is also driving forward the female health agenda – encouraging members to pay attention to how hormonal factors can impact their training and how to work with these monthly patterns to get the most out of their training.
Alanis said: “I didn’t always enjoy fitness and exercise, I would actually try to get out of it when I was at school! But the main reason for this was not wanting to stand out or be different. Hockey was my sport, and I ended up playing to national league level, and with this came the need to strength train for performance.
“However back then I was also training for aesthetic reasons. I wanted to be lean, and this was a very damaging mindset, which lead to years and years of mental battles with undereating and overexercising. This got me to my smallest frame, however I was never happy, constantly wrapped up in a negative cycle.
“It has only been in recent years where I have learned to appreciate my body for what it can do, not what it is! My body can do some pretty cool things, and perform at a high level of fitness, and I’m super grateful for this. By appreciating what I can do, and pushing my body, it has allowed me to actually feel so much better about my body image, but also realising everybody’s body is so different.
“You can follow a diet or an exercise plan, however you’ll never look like that person. Instead of wanting to look like someone, I now think I want to be the strongest, fittest and healthiest I can be, regardless of how that aesthetically looks. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll still have low body image days, typically linked up with my hormones, but I now know that’s my mind bullying my body, and not reality.
“For me, being a strong woman is about independence. The ability to do things myself and be proud about it. My favourite is when the delivery man will drop off a parcel and say ‘be careful, it’s heavy that’ and I proceed to lift it with ease. Being a strong woman is the confidence in myself daily to execute tasks, but also the self-confidence, courage and resilience I have gained has changed me into a person I never thought I’d be – looking back to those days at school avoiding ‘standing out’.
Pro-Fit is hosting a Women’s Day on Saturday 23 March from 11am to 2pm. For more information check out @pro_fitpersonaltraining on Instagram. or visit the Pro-Fit website.
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