
Plans for new takeaway on Friargate lead to concerns over odours

Posted on - 29th February, 2024 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Friargate, Preston City Centre, Preston Council, Preston News, University campus
Proposed Friargate takeaway
Proposed Friargate takeaway

A new takeaway could be coming to a busy Preston street which connects the city centre with the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan).

Plans for the hot food outlet – on the northern section of Friagarate, near the edge of the UCLan campus – have been lodged with Preston City Council.

The currently vacant premises, close to the junction with Hope Street, was once home to a student accommodation office, but has most recently been used as storage space.

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The proposal is to convert the ground floor of the building into a takeaway counter, which would also have seating space for up to eight people.

In a design statement submitted with the planning application, the site is described as being “underutilised and degrading of the local street scene”.

The plans also propose converting the first and second floor of the property from retail to residential use.  However, a noise and odour assessment concludes that special measures would need to be put in place to protect future occupiers from disturbance.

The report states that smells emanating from the new takeaway, if it is approved, would be likely to ”impact adversely on the development site”, while it finds that existing background noise levels – even without the proposed food outlet – would have a similarly negative effect.

The assessment suggests that fitting double glazing to the flats, with specialist vents, and installing a “positive input” ventilation system – to prevent odours entering the residential properties – would overcome both issues.

The design statement adds:  “The proposed development is in keeping with the built-up area…will have no wider impacts upon the character and appearance of the locality and would not have a harmful impact on the amenity of neighbouring properties.

“It represents an appropriate development, in a sustainable location…and…it is respectfully requested that the proposals be given approval at the earliest opportunity.”

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