It will be several months before an entrance to Preston Markets is useable again, according to Preston City Council.
Police launched an investigation after a car crashed into Preston Market Hall at around 10.45pm on December 23. There were no injuries and the structure of the market has been passed as safe.
However, that entrance to the structure will now be out of action for at least two months as a result of the incident. A prominent trader has moved to remind the public his business is open.
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Adrian Livesey’s Butchers said on Facebook: “Just before Christmas someone managed to crash their car through the main entrance next to our stall. We personally think they couldn’t wait for there delicious Xmas meats!
“Unfortunately this is going to keep that door, which is a major access point to the market and certainly for our personal trade shut for the next few months. It does make the top end of the stall a little trickier to view from especially if it’s busy.
“If you haven’t seen already we just wanted everyone to know and that we are still open as normal and please don’t let this deter shopping with us.”
Preston City Council were asked in strong terms online why the repairs will take so long if it is likely to affect a business.
A response from Preston City Council said: “Unfortunately an incident like this can’t be fixed overnight
“There’s the police investigation, insurance and assessors are involved, contractors to be appointed and orders placed for frames, glass (which takes 2-3 months) and automatic doors. Rest assured, it’s a priority.”
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