
Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese acted ‘responsibly and quickly’ after E.Coli links found as investigation continues

Posted on - 22nd January, 2024 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Preston News
Pic: Mrs Kirkham's Lancashire Cheese
Pic: Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese

Tests are ongoing as experts try to confirm the cause of an outbreak of Shiga-Toxin producing E.Coli that has been linked with the death of one person and hospitalisation of dozens more in the UK.

The stance of the Food Standards Agency remains that links have been identified between the cases of E.Coli and Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese, which is raw-milk cheese produced in Preston and that the cheese products recalled just before Christmas ‘continue to be implicated’.

The Food Standards Agency said that the business acted ‘responsibly and quickly’ to take food safety action once the link was made. They said that initial results from testing indicate E.Coli was not detected, but that the cheese tested was not the actual cheese which made people ill.

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Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese released their first public statement of the year last week (January 18) where they reiterated their commitment to safety in their products. They also claimed over 60 batches of cheese has been tested without testing positive for E.Coli.

The investigation will continue.

Tina Potter, Head of Incidents at the Food Standards Agency, told Blog Preston: “Epidemiological and food chain links have been identified between the cases who are linked to the outbreak and Mrs Kirkham’s cheese, which led to the precautionary food safety action. Efforts continue to confirm the cause of the outbreak and to ensure that food placed on the market going forward is safe.  

“It’s important to understand, epidemiological and food chain links are a reliable means of confirming an outbreak source. It’s not always possible to obtain microbiological evidence of the outbreak strain in foods in an outbreak investigation, as the foods are often already consumed or no longer available for sampling. 

“Products listed in the product recall information notice continue to be implicated. 

“We will continue to support the Local Authorities and the business, who are actively working with us as part of our ongoing response to the outbreak and we continue to urge consumers to check whether they have bought or been gifted this product and ensure they follow the advice in the product recall notices product recall notices. 

“We are reassured that the business acted responsibly and quickly to take food safety action, on a precautionary basis once these links were made. Microbiological samples have been collected from other cheeses also manufactured by Mrs Kirkham’s Cheese Ltd. These were not the actual cheeses consumed by cases who became ill. The initial results received so far confirmed E. Coli STEC was not detected in the small number of products tested so far but testing remains ongoing.”

A spokesperson for Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese said: “The investigation is still ongoing because the FSA epidemiologists are still seeking to identify the cause of the outbreak. Products other than Kirkham’s Cheese, and other potential sources are also being investigated. This investigation by the FSA is far from concluded and may take months.

“At present, our family business still cannot sell our cheese, but we hope that working constructively with the FSA and our local Environmental Health Officer, it will not be long before we will be able to recommence sales of our Kirkham’s Lancashire Cheese and sell our tested product with renewed confidence in its safety.”

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