
Preston history buff launches new Facebook group to help uncover more stories from the past

Posted on - 27th December, 2023 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Deepdale, History, People, Preston News
Peter Smith
Peter Smith – the Preston history buff hoping to use Facebook to enthuse and encourage others

A new Facebook group has launched to help people learn about the history of Preston and get involved in uncovering more stories from the past.

The man behind the venture is Peter Smith, who has been running the Preston History website for the past ten years.

Peter now wants to encourage others to join him in researching Preston’s rich history and putting their discoveries online for others to enjoy.

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Peter said his recent experiences with Facebook convinced him it would the ideal platform.

He said: “I’ve set up the group after a year of contributing a daily ‘On this day…’ post on the Preston Historical Society’s Facebook page, as part of the society’s 75th anniversary celebrations.

“I was amazed by the response. By the end of a year of posting, there were more than 4,000 followers, daily views regularly exceeded 10,000, with two days having more than 100,000.

“Given such a response, it seemed a good time to capitalise on the interest and form a Facebook group for Preston history in which others could participate.”

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Peter was born and brought up in Deepdale and spent his working life in journalism and publishing. His website was a retirement project designed to combine his working skills with his love of history.

That interest in history was sparked by one of his teachers, John ‘Jock’ Shaw, who was also one of the founding members of Preston Historical Society.

Peter continued: “A public Facebook group is also ideal because it’s open and democratic, allowing anyone to contribute – anonymously if they choose – and making no demands for special qualifications or expertise.

“The best way to enjoy it is to plunge straight in, get writing and enjoy the support and encouragement of fellow enthusiasts.”

To find out more, join the Preston History Facebook group.

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