
Broughton teen Ava Jolliffe wins Disability Power 100 award

Posted on - 15th November, 2023 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Arts & Culture, Broughton, Preston News

Broughton teenager Ava Jolliffe has won a Disability Power 100 award.

The 17-year-old has won the Clare Gray rising star award 2023 due to her achievements as a deafblind person and her artistic ability.

The Disability Power 100 recognises the most influential disabled people in the UK and celebrates their ambition and achievements.

Ava creates digital artworks using her tablet computer and raises awareness about deafblindness through her social media channels.

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The award was named after Clare Gray who was a disability advocate and activist before passing away earlier this year after a short illness.

Ava has also worked with George at Asda to design practical and trend-led clothing for young disabled people.

She helped with the design and accessibility of the fashion supermarket’s adapted clothing range called Easy on Easy Wear.

The 24-piece collection was carefully created with the aim of being fashionable and catered towards a young audience ranging from three to 16-year-olds.

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