
Six Premium Bonds holders in Lancashire scoop combined £200,000

Posted on - 8th April, 2023 - 7:00pm | Author - | Posted in - Preston News, South Ribble News, Wyre News
Prize checker app Pic: National Savings and Investments
Prize checker app Pic: National Savings and Investments

Premium Bonds holders in Lancashire picked up some of the biggest prizes on offer in the monthly prize draw this April.

One winner in Lancashire scooped a £50,000 prize in this month’s prize draw, with a Premium Bonds holding worth £25,003. They purchased their winning Bond in July 2005.

The second winner also won a £50,000 prize in April’s prize draw, with a Premium Bonds holding worth £31,175. They purchased their winning Bond in July 2020.

The table below shows the other £25,000 high value winners in Lancashire.

Read more: Home Upgrade Grants for Preston to share in £41m pot 

Prize valueWinning Bond numberHolding valueLocationPurchase date of winning Bond
Table: National Savings and Investments

Aside from these winners, there are thousands of other people across Lancashire who have also won prizes in this month’s prize draw worth between £25 and £10,000.

The April 2022 prize draw will see a total of 5,018,744 prizes worth £331,237,050 paid out to winners up and down the country.

There were 120,449,834,442 Bond numbers eligible for the draw.

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Since the first draw in June 1957, ERNIE (machine generator) has drawn 616 million prizes with a total value of £25.3 billion.

Premium Bonds holders in Lancashire can check to see if they have won a prize in April’s prize draw, by using the prize checker on the NS&I website or use their Alexa-enabled device.

Customers will need their Premium Bonds holder’s number to use the website and their NS&I number or holder’s number to check via the prize checker app. They can also check for any unclaimed prizes owed to them.

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