Plans have been submitted to demolish the existing church off Birkdale Drive and build 17 new affordable rented homes.
Preston-based Community Gateway Association, proposes to redevelop the former Lea Methodist Church site, increasingly subjected to vandalism and anti-social behaviour since closing its doors nearly five years ago.
The scheme builds on the completed residential developments on West Park Avenue and Ainsdale Drive to regenerate the Savick estate.
The affordable housing scheme plans to deliver two bed four person homes, three bed five person homes and four bed seven person homes, catered for young couples through to larger families.
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If plans are approved each house would have two to three car parking spaces.
The site extending to 0.49 hectares is in close proximity to services and transport facilities, and is approximately three miles to the west of Preston City Centre.
It occupies a ‘highly sustainable’ location and is served by Ashton Primary School and Ashton Community Science College.
The design and access statement prepared by architects Bowker Sadler Architecture said the residential used is supported by a local housing need:
“Lea closed its doors in 2018 following a period of time operating with increasingly dwindling numbers of attendees and volunteer support.
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“Maintaining and heating the church became unviable for the numbers attending with its operation moved to the nearby Ingol Church, therefore consolidating and reinforcing the future of that facility.
“The associated bungalow was also vacant upon closure of the church and therefore unsupported.
“An alternative use for the church has not come forward, hence the proposal to redevelop the site for much needed affordable housing.
“Given the location on site, scale, mass and fabric condition of the church building & bungalow, it is not possible to retain them and viably redevelop the rest of the site.”
To view the full proposals visit the Preston City Council website.
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