
The Foxton Centre’s Avenham base to be rebuilt

Posted on - 27th March, 2023 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Avenham, Charities, Fishwick, Frenchwood, Preston Council, Preston News, Redevelopment
3D image of the open plan offices Pic: Studio john Bridge
3D image of the open plan offices Pic: Studio john Bridge

There are plans to completely demolish the Foxton Youth and Community Centre into a brand new state-of-the-art facility.

If plans are approved, Preston firm Studio John Bridge, would build a two-storey replacement youth centre incorporating a double height multi-use hall, community kitchen, open plan offices and meeting rooms, an improved car park and outdoor sports area.

Since 1969, the current Foxton Centre based in Knowsley Street, has played a pivotal role in providing a strong community anchor to young people in the Avenham and Frenchwood areas.

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The proposed brand new Foxton Centre Pic: Studio john Bridge
The proposed brand new Foxton Centre Pic: Studio john Bridge

As the charity expanded its support network to work with homeless people and street sex workers who also ‘face problems with poverty, addiction, and mental health issues’, so did the number of local community bases across the city which it operates from.

The latest planning application shows the centre would look to operate the new community building from Monday to Friday between 8am and 10pm, and on Saturday and Sunday including bank holidays from 9am to 10pm.

What the Foxton have to say

Chief executive of the Foxton Centre, Jeff Marsh, told Blog Preston: “In considering our options for the longer term it was clear to everyone that there needed to be considerable investment in the facilities.

“In conjunction with our trustees we decided the objectives of the Foxton would be best served by demolishing the current property and re-building on a two-storey basis.

“This is due to the poor structural condition of the building including major roof issues and concrete supports.

“The trustees felt that there was an opportunity to build a modern premises which is both environmentally friendly and energy efficient which would be a long-term asset to the community in Avenham and Frenchwood hopefully for the next 50 years.

“We have consulted with the young people who use our services utilising the efforts of our Youth Forum to build our existing programme but also to formulate our approach to the re-development of the building . Our plans are truly a co-produced effort with them and it is our aim to work with them through to delivery.”

Blog Preston understands the new facility is dependant on a number of government funding awards being successful – which the Foxton is in the process of applying for.

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The double height multi-use hall Pic: Studio John Bridge
The double height multi-use hall Pic: Studio John Bridge

The facility currently has four employees, the new development would bring seven full-time employees and four part-time employees bringing the total to 12.

Architects Studio John Bridge would allocate seven car parking spaces to the multi-use car park / games courtyard, in which one would be an accessible parking space.

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The proposed meeting room Pic: Studio John Bridge
The proposed meeting room Pic: Studio John Bridge

The transport statement submitted to Preston City Council says the limited number is to encourage cycling, walking and public transport to reduce both congestion and pollution in the city centre.

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The rear of the new state-of-the-art facility Pic: Studio John Bridge
The rear of the state-of-the-art facility Pic: Studio John Bridge

What the architect has to say

Speaking on the ‘energy-efficient’ building, architect John Bridge said: “We are delighted to assist The Foxton Centre, it has much valued facility for Youths of Avenham.

“With our newly designed Youth Centre, the improvements on the facilities will enhance the experience and space for the Community.

“It’s a pride project too, given how passionate we are as a studio, about regenerating our Communities in Preston.”

To view the full proposals visit the Preston City Council website.

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