
Land bought and secured for Leyland Town Deal development

Posted on - 22nd March, 2023 - 7:00am | Author - | Posted in - Business, Leyland, Politics, Preston News, Redevelopment, South Ribble News
town deal heatons
The acquisition of the former Heatons site for town deal is completed

The £38 million town centre improvements for Leyland Town Deal are underway.

Following a ground-breaking funding bid which saw £25m allocated to the project and a large consultation process where South Ribble Borough Council sought views from residents, stakeholders and businesses, the first phases of work are now well underway.

The first phase of site clearance on Quin Street and John Street has been completed by ADS Environmental.

In preparation for 2023, the team have been busy securing the land acquisitions for the scheme.

Read more: Six key plans making up Leyland’s £38m town deal scheme

Internal view of the market Pic: Wilson Mason LLP
Internal view of the market Pic: Wilson Mason LLP

The final stage designs are being worked on and the final planning application decisions are expected in Spring 2023.

The first major acquisition for the scheme – the former NFM Iddons building – is now complete and the company has been assisted by South Ribble Borough Council to find and relocate to their new home on Walton Summit.

The acquisition of the former Heaton’s site on John Street has also been completed for the Leyland Town Deal scheme. This area of land will be the location for the new BASE2 Skills Hub.

Read more: Jubilee Gardens care home work in Leyland to begin

the former NFM Iddons building
The former NFM Iddons building

Charles Hadcock, Chair of Leyland Town Deal Board said: “It is great to see that this project is now underway with the first onsite works and building acquisitions completed.

“It is a great opportunity to achieve fundamental changes to Leyland Town Centre that will improve it for future generations.”

The  £38 million Leyland Town Deal project includes two main schemes in Leyland town centre – the BASE2 Skills Hub including new commercial space and Leyland town centre improvements that include Leyland Market refurbishment and public realm works.

Councillor Paul Foster, Leader of South Ribble Borough Council said: “The Town Deal funding was identified as a great opportunity to inject some much needed investment into Leyland town centre.

“The successful bid and subsequent funding allocation means that the ambitious regeneration plans are now underway, which is great news for the South Ribble economy.”

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